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Savills Research Branded Residences 2020
Posted on October 20, 2020
2020 has been a year of change. The branded residential sector looks resilient even as competition grows

What are branded residences?

Branded residences offer many advantages in a crowded global marketplace for prime property 

There is no single industry definition, but at its core, a branded residence is a residential property available for purchase on the open market that is affiliated, usually by design and servicing, to a well-known brand. This excludes traditional serviced (rental) apartments, although owners of branded residences can rent out their own properties. 

Brand association instils buyer confidence through the assurance of a high level of service and usually an exceptional amenity offer. Buyers aren’t the only beneficiaries. There are significant advantages for developers and the brand themselves as well (see graphic, right): 

How do they work? 

Branded residences are usually a partnership between a brand and a developer. The brand grants a licence to the developer to market and sell residences incorporating their brand. In many cases the brand also manages and services the residential properties as part of an optional or mandatory rental programme. 

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